Friday, April 19, 2024

APSP’s Lunar New Year Festival celebrates diversity and community

On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Asian Pacific Student Programs (APSP) held a Lunar New Year Festival to celebrate the Chinese New Year, which was on Jan. 25. As performers like Jereena Montemayor took the stage...
Courtesy of Pexels

The friendship breakup guide

Whether it be a large argument or a slow distancing over time, there are many reasons why a friendship breakup can happen. No matter the cause, friendship splits are extremely difficult. Because they are...

Campus Cope: staggered sleep schedules and how to reestablish them

The COVID-19 pandemic is still alive and well and many people are continuing to acclimate to the many changes our nation faces. The imposition of social distancing, self-isolation and the rising unemployment rate has...

Pumpkin Pizzazz, Episode 1: Pumpkin Quesadillas

Want a fun way to “spice” up your life this harvest season? Stay on the vine with our “Pumpkin Pizzazz” food series, where we at Features teach you how to make three delicious recipes...

Ladies vs. Gentlemen: Physical appearance

Makeup versus video games, pink versus green, skirts versus gym shorts. We’ve all held commonly accepted conceptions about what girls and guys are individually interested in, and although there are certainly unique distinctions between...
Horoscope - Courtesy of Pexels

The power is back in your hands 一 it’s time to take control of...

Aries: The Chariot This card is connected to the Lovers card, in that you are able to steer yourself in the direction of what you want. Perhaps you’ve been stewing in relationship drama lately or...

Star-crossed or meant to be?

Aries:  You are the star of your show, Aries. With your dynamic personality, you need someone who doesn’t shy away from your strong traits. A Gemini will dive in with you, but won’t forget to...

UCR’S 3rd Annual Coexist Event

A key component to a successful college experience is being open-minded and gaining knowledge about to the various beliefs, cultures and religions of others. Here at UCR, there is a tremendous pride in the...


She marches on without her spirit’s guide In a world divided by people’s pride.  We fight for a cause that is hard to attain,  That will only result in others pain.    Try to follow their positions blindly, See if...
Courtesy of Pexels

Think of that special someone…

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Ace of Pentacles A seed has been planted. The last time you saw them, they felt like they were noticing something they hadn’t before. This might be the turning...