Sunday, October 6, 2024
As a die-hard Meryl Streep fan, I sincerely wanted to love “The Iron Lady” as much as I adore nearly every film she has starred in. Unfortunately, a somewhat memorable performance was not enough to make up for the completely forgettable film. The biographical British film, directed by Phyllida Lloyd, begins with a peek into the life of an aged...
“War Horse,” directed by Steven Spielberg, premiered Dec. 25, 2011 as a war drama featuring the story of a horse passed from person to person in the midst of World War I. Originally based on a children’s book by Michael Morpurgo, this film satisfies basic themes of hope, friendship and bravery in a seemingly hopeless time. Though entertaining and...
“The Devil Inside,” directed by William Brent Bill, was simply shocking. What was shocking is how the played out fake documentary-style filming and atrocious acting never ceases to captivate audiences. It is clear that this low-budget movie had one purpose: to con high school adolescents out of their movie money. Unfortunately this objective had been met with 34.5 million...
In the midst of budget crises, increasing class sizes and the daily struggle to wake up for 8 a.m. class, there is yet another problem plaguing the modern university that desperately needs to addressed: the fact that a surprising number of students have little to no concern for their daily sartorial decisions. It is a problem of the marring...
David Fincher, critically-acclaimed director of “The Social Network,” “Fight Club” and “Seven,” received high marks for his latest exhilarating thriller, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.”  The film is an adaptation of the internationally-bestselling book by the same title, written by Stieg Larsson. Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), a journalist propelled by his considerable ethical convictions, is loved by some and...
Who would have thought? Whereas 2010 was the year of reflections on suburbia, 2011 follows up with what else than the “hardcore opera.” Bookending this year’s list are two “hardcore punk narrative albums,” a term I’d have cringed at a year ago. But Defeater and Fucked Up pulled them off, in excitingly different ways. In 2011, punks became storytellers....
Intriguing and provocative, the historical film “A Dangerous Method” explores the dynamic relationship between Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Sabina Spielrein, as well as the emergence of psychotherapy. The film is directed by David Gronenberg and written by Christopher Hampton, who adapted it from a play he had written. Michael Fassbender plays the part of Carl Jung, and Viggo Mortensen...
“The Artist” is an exquisite piece from director Michel Hazanavicius that combines the nostalgia of the silent film era with fresh, bold innovation. An absolute pleasure to watch, the film is without a doubt one of the best of 2011. The film charts the fall of one star and the rise of another, all while painting a vividly glorious portrait...