Tag: April fool’s issue
Under the Kilt: The secret to happiness
The value of any human being can only be measured by the riches in his or her pockets or daily outfit. If you can't...
Insider reveals Hollywood’s top five beauty secrets
Several beauty crazes have been circulating over social media and television — including fleek eyebrows, the Kylie Jenner lip and of course, having a...
Club Spotlight: Fight Club
The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.
Campus Cope: How to prepare for the worst at UCR …...
With increased pollution, the looming threat of nuclear war and bath salts, a zombie apocalypse occurring is not a question of if, but of...
Campus Cope: Treading through the stress of swimming
The most common form of transportation for students, swimming, has easily lost its thrill factor. Despite the idea sounding like a great alternative for...
Restaurant Review: Back to the Cove
It’s safe to say that our local coffee shop in downtown Riverside has been ransacked and taken over by a group of pirates who...