Flash Fiction is a short fiction story consisting of only a few hundred words. Here are a few fall-themed flash fiction pieces you are sure to enjoy:
“Then it Was Autumn Again” by Sherri Turner from Reflex Fiction
Paris, the city of love. This excellent piece of flash fiction details the love of an English couple living and spending their autumn in Paris, France. They spent the afternoons window shopping as the leaves fell around them. Drinking pastis from small glasses outside Parisian cafes as the onlookers gawked at how touristy the lovers dared to act. Anyone looking for love or in love this fall season will adore this fall fling read.
“Three Days” by Samantha Hunt from The New Yorker
If you are a fan of the darker side of fall, you are sure to love this piece of fiction. This story follows a woman named Beatrice as she walks along the cold, lonely shoulder of the highway along the guard rail, desperately trying to make it home to her family.
“The Women of This World” by Ann Beattie from The New Yorker
With fall comes uncomfortable family Thanksgiving dinner parties. Beattie details the struggle of a woman named Dale as she prepares and serves a massive Thanksgiving dinner for her husband and family. If your family includes some sort of misogynistic older uncle or grandparent who is “from another time,” subtly gaslighting the women at the table to be more traditional, this is the perfect read for you.
“Untitled” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie from SoundCloud
Sick of reading? Try out this audio short story. This story details a woman battling her seasonal depression as she journeys to connect to the world around her. The best part is that Adichie manages to turn an otherwise dull November walk into this beautiful piece of fiction.
“Broads” by Roxane Gay from Guernica
At this point, “fall” and “cuffing season” are almost synonymous terms; everyone is looking for that significant other to cuddle up with during the colder months. This story details Jimmy Nolan’s quest for love as he tries to battle the insecurities that seem to keep him from finding love.