R’Garden, a space for UCR students, faculty and staff to grow fresh produce, has made plans to expand their current space. R’Garden is currently located northwest of Parking Lot 30.
It sums up to a total of three acres and includes community garden plots, a greenhouse and a Valencia orange grove. The new expansion gives R’Garden an additional four...
Following an unfair labor practice lawsuit filed against the UC system last week by Patient Care Technical workers, who are represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3299, the union plans to strike again on Wednesday, April 10 after having done so the week of March 18 in response to stalled contract negotiations.
News In Brief
Bourns College of Engineering deranked from U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Engineering Schools”
Mark Bertumen -
On Feb. 7, 2019 the U.S. News and World Report (USNWR) released an update on which previously ranked colleges for the 2019 year are now considered “Unranked,” due to misreporting of information by colleges. UCR’s Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE), previously ranked by USNWR’s as one of the “Best Engineering Schools,” is now unranked due to misreported research expenditures.
The Outreach Director, the ASUCR position responsible for coordinating UCR’s outreach efforts to students and the community, will be absorbed by the Finance Committee. According to Carolyn Chang, the current Outreach Director, the move will make things more convenient by facilitating effective communication. She states, “The main purpose of the Outreach Director is to hold the Outreach Grant Hearing,...
ASUCR’s Parliamentarian Jose Rodriguez, who joined the organization this academic year and was responsible for advising the senate on proper procedure (i.e. Robert’s Rules of Order) and on following the bylaws correctly, was dismissed from his position this past week. During public comment at last Wednesday’s ASUCR meeting, Rodriguez informed the senators, most for the first time, that Executive...
News In Brief
UCR study shows home and rent pricing affected by presence of colleges and hospitals
Mark Bertumen -
The findings of a UCR research study were published last Jan. 31, which discovered that colleges and hospitals will raise and drop housing price at an above average rate.
The study was led by Vagelis Hristidis, professor of computer science and engineering at UCR. According to the publication, colleges and hospitals can be considered “opportunity hubs” that attract job seekers...
News In Brief
UC students rally together demanding better workers’ contracts and more protections for minorities
Amani Mahmoud -
Last Wednesday, students from UC Riverside and the other eight UC campuses attended the monthly Regents meeting in San Francisco to demand higher worker compensation for all UC employees as well as greater legal protections for marginalized minorities in the UC system. Over the past few months, students across California have become increasingly vocal and critical regarding perceived inaction...
Campus Business Service Director Michael Clemons announced the recent renovations to printing and campus supply services at UCR, and spoke with the Highlander in an email interview on what the renovations entailed.
With regard to printing, Digital Print Services (DPS), originally known as Printing and Reprographics, “recently moved (central operations) from the Atlanta Ave. facility to the Corporation Yard here...
On Dec. 13, 2018, the chancellors of all 10 University of California campuses released and signed a statement condemning academic boycotts of Israeli scholars and institutions of higher education.
The boycott would hinder students and faculty from taking part in academic events sponsored or funded by Israel, studying abroad in Israel or holding talks with Israeli state officials. In...
News In Brief
Highlander Perks dining plan pushed back to fall 2019 due to technical considerations
Amani Mahmoud -
The Highlander Perks dining plan was intended to be implemented in fall 2018 but, due to technical considerations, the dining plan has been pushed back to begin in fall 2019. The new project from Housing, Dining and Hospitality Services is intended for students who are not currently offered a traditional dining plan through their on-campus housing contract as well...