WIth graduation fast approaching, many of you procrastinators have yet to book a grad-photo session or think of where you want to stage your photos. I can’t help you out with the first task, but for the second, I got you covered. If you are at a loss for the perfect grad-photo location, try one of the following places for the most aesthetic, Riverside-esque Riverside-esque pictures. If you are not graduating yet, be sure to save this article until that special day comes.
One of the Libraries (Rivera is better … but as you wish)
Although a little on the creative side, I say end basic grad photos today and try something different. Whichever library you prefer works for this, however Rivera has a better photo aesthetic (but that could be just one woman’s opinion). Grab some books and pretend to be studious, take a photo in between the stacks or lie on the floor with a pile of books to get the perfect grad-photos. Make sure to get permission from the library before taking these photos.
UCR sign
In the spirit of being basic, the University of California, Riverside (UCR) sign, located at the Highlander Union Building (HUB) is a must when it comes to grad photos. Take a seat in one of the letters, stand in-front of the sign and throw your grad cap in the air, or grab some of your friends and pose in front of the sign and commemorate your time at UCR.
Smile with Scotty
If you do not sit on Scotty’s silver lap for your grad photos, you failed grad photos and Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox will be withholding your degree when you walk across the stage at graduation. Posing with Scotty is a necessity, so grab your cap and gown and sit next to him, maybe read a copy of The Highlander newspaper with Scotty, place your cap on his head (thus making him a graduate) or even give him a little kiss on the cheek (try not to chip your tooth on Scotty; trust me, it’s possible).
Old School of Business building
Trying to pretend you go to a different university, the grand staircase at the old school of business building makes for a perfect entrance to your grad photos. Stand on the stairs while holding your cap in the air or take a seat on the steps and show the world your cap decoration to get the most iconic ‘UCR’ grad photo.
The Student Recreation Center (SRC) — for da gym bros
If you spent more time at the gym than you did in class, then the SRC is the perfect place for your photos! Grab your cap and gown and hit the rock climbing wall; make sure to grip the wall with one hand and let your cap hang down in the other. Or maybe you’re a cardio queen; get on the treadmill and start strutting your stuff. If the pool is where you spent all those warm California days (instead of your bio lecture), hop in while wearing your gown and go for a splash in the whirlpool.
Honorable mentions: Danny Devito Shrine (if you know you know), the bronze orange by the kumquat grove in the Humanities and Social Science Building, ASPB Barack Obama cut-out, the Bell Tower and Olmstead.
Hopefully one of these places provides you the perfect spot to end your UCR experience and take some slay grad pictures. Everyone will be jealous of your treadmill struts and book naps this grad season.