Associated Students of the University of California, Riverside’s (ASUCR) third meeting of winter quarter was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting began with a friendly amendment to the agenda, adding the Executive Cabinet’s “Statement on the Inauguration of President Trump,” to new business. 

Makai Harrison, Vice Chair of UCR’s chapter of California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), was the first to speak during public forum. He came to give an update on CALPIRG’s fundraising efforts for those affected by the Los Angeles (LA) wildfires. According to Harrison, UCR’s chapter of CALPIRG successfully raised over $5,000 during their fundraiser with the Wildfire Relief Fund and World Central Kitchen on Martin Luther King Jr. day. 

Additionally, Harrison reminded the crowd that CALPIRG is a “nonprofit student led and student funded organization … This means that the student body is the group of people who make it possible for us to do things like lobby at the capitol.” He urged every student to “pledge the quarterly $10 CALPIRG fee” to aid in running their campaigns on campus.

Harrison closed his statement by discussing CALPIRG’s environmental initiatives, emphasizing the importance of lobbying government officials to keep California’s “coasts and sea life safe.” 

Vice President of External Affairs (VPEA) Vivian Herrera was next to speak. She began by giving a “huge shout out to [the] labor committee who has been working nonstop on a Know Your Rights workshop” in collaboration with Inland Empire (IE) United, Young Democratic Socialists (YDS) and UCR’s Labor Council for Latin American Advancement. 

Last to speak during public forum was Assistant Elections Director Aushee, giving information about the upcoming 2025-2026 ASUCR elections. She stated that candidacy applications are currently open, and will close on Jan. 31 at 11:59 p.m. Aushee explained that all questions regarding the candidacy process should be directed to either her or Kevin Arizmendi, the elections director. Candidacy applications can be found in the Instagram bio of @ASUCR_elections

Moving on to new business, a motion to open discussion on the “Statement on the Inauguration of President Trump” was passed 14-0-0. Authored by ASUCR President Abby Choy alongside the rest of the Executive Cabinet, Executive Vice President (EVP) Naia Pizarro read the statement to the senate. EVP Pizarro stated there will be a resolution and legislation from the executive cabinet within the coming weeks regarding the recent inauguration of President Donald Trump. 

During EVP Pizarro’s reading of the statement, at 7:13 p.m College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) Senator Anahita Hooshyari Far and CHASS Senator Ryan Jun-Min Choi arrived at the meeting. 

Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) Senator Allison Pham presented the finance committee meetings. She discussed allocation exemption to raise the equipment limit for Designing Dreams from $300 to $1,000, allocation exemptions for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to raise their equipment limit from $300 to $2,853, a $1,500 grant request for East African Student Associations, an allocation exemption for Melody Makers raising their equipment budget from $300 to $1,000, a $1,500 grant request for Beta Alpha Psi’s upcoming professional event and organization allocations for nine registered UCR organizations for the amount of $12,727. All of these resolutions passed 16-0-0. 

While BCOE Senator Pham explained the finance committee minutes, newly appointed School of Business Senator Dhruv Patel was excused for the rest of the meeting. Senator Pham closed, discussing a “contingency request of $22,000 for the Office of the President for the R’Gear purchase,” passing 15-0-0. 

Three new pieces of legislation were reviewed by the senate, all passing 15-0-0. SB-W25-005: Bill to Move Highlander Pride Committee, moved the Highlander Pride Committee to the Office of Personnel. SB-W25-006: Bill to Remove Highlander Pride Committee Chapter — complementing the previous bill — removed the Highlander Pride Committee as its own chapter. 

SB-W25-007: Amendment to Chapter 6 – Option for BCOE Senators, allows BCOE Senators the option to replace their Winter Quarter Town Hall with the ASUCR Research Exposition event.

Senator reports saw CHASS Senator Hooshyari Far’s discussion of the upcoming donation drive for those affected by the LA wildfires she organized in collaboration with the Green Campus Action Committee (GCAP) and External Affairs. They will be accepting donations for menstrual products, baby products and moving boxes during tabling on Wednesdays. 

BCOE Senator Pham spoke next, explaining her work revamping BCOE town halls, upcoming events with the Highlander Action Committee (HAC), upcoming legislation and the establishment of a South Asian student center. 

ASUCR’s third senate meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) Senator Anthony Ching, BCOE Senator Uma Akundi and School Of Education (SOE) Senator Adam Ramirez were absent from the meeting.
