ASUCR’s fourth senate meeting of the quarter convened on Wednesday, May 3.

Justice Casey Thielhart presented the majority opinion S17-CC-01, which ruled that the process outlined in the chapter 23 ASUCR bylaw, regarding the act of censure and override, was unconstitutional. The decision reversed the attempt by the senate to appeal the censures issued at last week’s senate meeting regarding CHASS Senators Semi Cole and Jose Cortez-Hernandez and BCOE Senator Arneil Liban.

Thielhart also discouraged the senators’ use of third-party review, as it undermines the purpose of the judicial council. “Let’s talk about why we have a judicial council, which is to review the constitution. If you don’t agree with our ruling of the constitution, you can appeal it,” Thielhart explained, “Having a third party gives you zero authority. You can’t outsource the job of judicial to someone else.”

CNAS Senator Carisha Moore questioned what part of the bylaw was found unconstitutional. Thielhart assured that, according to the constitution, judicial had the power to review bylaws for constitutionality and the power to oversee censure.

Additionally, Thielhart cited article II, section b, which stated, “No individual or group of individuals within any of the branches may exercise powers delegated to or authority vested in any of the other branches, except as expressly stated in the Constitution herein.” Thielhart then explained that the senate’s vote to appeal the censures interfered with the council’s jurisdiction.

“Personally, what I’m seeing is we’re really following the law and we’re not really … looking for the best interest of the students in a direct way. Just to put this into perspective … why are we doing this? What’s the effect on the students? And where are we going with this?” asked CNAS Senator Beau Young, in reference to council’s latest ruling.

“We’re trying to keep all of you accountable to the student body,” Thielhart replied. “All of you ran together and none of you guys want to hold each other accountable.”

Later in the meeting, SB S17-041, which added a representative from the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee to the list of ex-officios allowed to speak during senate meetings, was passed with a vote of 9-0-0.

During senator reports, President Pro Tempore Johnathan Li announced that 25 clickers will be added after the success of the clicker rental program. CHASS Senator Aram Ayrapetyan spoke about his work toward installing cameras in Lot 30 to minimize theft and vandalism.
