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Spring break + final exams coming up = not the best combination. But with the recent tease of perfect weather, how can it not be on everyone’s mind?  You might be planning on spending your days soaking up the sun and drinking everything but water, but there are five must-have essentials you should not go without over this break.

Sunscreen: Although I have a permanent tan that lasts me all year long (in the shade of dark chocolate), I still understand the importance of sunscreen. Make sure to put your sunscreen on before you hit the beach. And ladies, just because you wear makeup it does not mean you can skip out on the SPF. Your face is the most exposed area on your body when it comes to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Luckily, there are makeup products from brands such as Smashbox that have been premixed with sun protector to help you maintain your flawless complexion.

Night Out Outfit: You should always pack a night out outfit regardless of where you’re going or what business you have there. A maxi skirt or dress is the perfect choice for spring break; both are easy to slip over your swimsuit, yet dressy enough for the evening. Guys, colored shorts and a polo or short-sleeved button-up will help you look put together. Don’t forget a pair of shoes to go with your ensemble—wedges for the ladies and boat shoes for the gents.

Shades: Need to cover up the regret of last night? Sunglasses are the fashionable choice to protect your eyes and hide your shame. Choosing the right pair of frames for your head shape can make a world of difference. If you have a round-shaped head, angular shaped frames are your best bet, while round frames balance out those with a square-shaped head. Cat-eye frames favor the heart-shaped individuals, and if you’re lucky to be oval shaped, any style goes!

Hat: Whether it’s a stylish fedora or a ridiculously oversized floppy hat, a hat during spring break is the perfect fashion accessory to keep you chic while hiding a bad hair day.

Jewelry: Keep your accessories to a minimum by taking only one or two statement pieces. A chunky necklace from H&M or a bold arm cuff will do the trick.
