The University of California has announced in fall 2021 that UC Online’s cross-campus enrollment resource for online learning has been relaunched. The UC online platform allows undergraduate students the opportunity to receive instruction from any UC campus, especially those that may not be offered by the campus they attend. Academic credit is counted toward graduation, and these courses come at no additional cost for UC students.

Online courses are offered each academic year to all UC undergraduate students systemwide, are delivered through videos and interactive course discussions and are facilitated through online platforms. Their website advertises how the platform allows students to “satisfy degree requirements or explore new subjects with the convenience and flexibility of online learning.”

Featured classes on the UC online website are creative classes including Video Games Theory and Research, Introductory Screenwriting and Introduction to Brewing and Beer, along with general education classes such as Calculus for Science, Engineering and Mathematics.

But the UC Online platform contains numerous courses available to students. For the upcoming quarter, classes hosted by UC Riverside that students from other campuses can choose to enroll in include CS005, Introduction to Computer Programming, PSYC001, Introductory Psychology and STAT010, Introduction to Statistics. These courses are developed and taught by UC faculty and instructors, and students can earn not only UC unit credit, but also general  education, pre-major or major credit based on departmental and programmatic requirements.

Registration has already taken place for the upcoming winter quarter for UC’s on quarter system and will occur following the conclusion of the fall semester of UC Berkeley and Merced. The UC online platform hopes students “will consider exploring the resources available for enhanced learning and the opportunities available for access to more of UC’s world-class faculty, regardless of location.” Though 95% of classes will be delivered in person for UCR students in the winter quarter, the UC Online platform can allow students to bolster their schedules with online classes.

UC Online, formerly known as the Innovative Learning Technology Initiative, is part of the Educational Innovations and Services unit within Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs  at the UC Office of the President. The University of California has expressed how the program furthers the university’s commitment to providing quality public education through equitable and inclusive online learning opportunities. To learn more about UC Online, please visit their website here.

