Monday, September 9, 2024

Wednesday protests

Peaceful rallies and public speeches defined the majority of UC Riverside’s campus activities during the first day of the UC Board of Regents meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 18. ASUCR activities at the Bell Tower stood out among the rally-related events scheduled for that day, although the same cannot be said of Thursday when the massive protests absorbed the attention...
The University of California has decided to ban all forms of smoking and tobacco products throughout its campuses. The policy was recently announced earlier this month and will gradually take effect over the next two years. "As a national leader in healthcare and environmental practices, the University of California is ready to demonstrate leadership in reducing tobacco use and exposure...

Thursday Protests

Hundreds of protesters organized by the Occupy movement, Free UCR Alliance, Associated Students of UC Riverside (ASUCR) and other groups gathered for two days of demonstrations during the UC Board of Regents meetings held at UC Riverside. The protest activities, prompted by the increasing cost of a UC education, reached a crescendo on Thursday afternoon when protesters and police...
A 20-year study conducted by scientists from UC San Francisco and the University of Alabama at Birmingham has concluded that the occasional usage of marijuana is not associated with lung damage. The study, which compared the pulmonary functions of cigarette and marijuana smokers, found the former to be significantly more harmful to an individual’s respiratory system. However, the study results...
A $20,000 grant from the Korean Foundation was awarded to UC Riverside’s Young Oak Kim (YOK) Center for Korean American Studies in support of the conference, “Confronting Sa-I-Gu: 20 Years After Koreatown Burned.” The symposium,  which will take place on April 28, marks the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots, which had an immense impact on Koreatown. During the...
During a special budget teleconference held Jan. 11, top UC official Patrick Lenz revealed that the university does not envision any end to tuition increases in the near future. Lenz, who serves as the UC vice president of budget and capital resources, noted that the “administration does have a desire for affordability with modest, predictable and affordable tuition increases.”...

ASUCR update

A discussion of ASUCR’s “Taking a Stand” agenda and an apology regarding December’s protest guidelines dominated the content of ASUCR’s first senate meeting of the quarter.Jim Sandoval, vice chancellor for student affairs, began the meeting by issuing a formal apology and taking full responsibility for the protest guidelines that were published and subsequently removed after gaining widespread criticism. The...
It’s possible a nationwide penny-per-ounce tax on sweetened drinks could prevent an estimated 26,000 deaths, 2.4 million cases of diabetes, 95,000 coronary heart events and 8,000 strokes over the next decade, according to a study published this month in the journal Health Affairs. The authors, scientists at UC San Francisco’s General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH) and Columbia University, state...
UC Riverside Entomology Professor and Jefferson Science Fellow Thomas Miller has ventured to Rwanda in order to investigate the defects resulting in a “potato-tasting” coffee plant. This peculiar deficiency is thus far sourced to the Antestia bug, whose activity is hindering Rwanda’s exports on the international frontier. Scientists from both the US and Europe have been sent to Rwanda through...