Observing Earth Day on April 22, 2024, Metrolink hosted a sustainable student fashion show competition at Los Angeles’ Union Station stop, showcasing a range of designs from both local high school and college students. This competition featured two entries from the University of California, Riverside (UCR), with one entry in the Textile Designers category and another in the Unconventional...
Events and Profile
Anti-heroes are on the rise to becoming the new stars of superhero films
Samuel Lao -
Traditionally, the concept of superheroes has always been restricted to morally strict individuals who simply do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. As of late, there is a new type of superhero taking shape in the form of the anti-hero. The typical anti-hero is perceived as a villain, but by the end of the...
My trip to the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books was pretty last-minute. My professor alerted me to its existence, and that it was the very weekend that was coming up. So I cobbled together a plan to go with my friend (who, luckily for me, knew the metro system of LA very well) and see what was to...
Saturday, Sept. 28, concluded with a traditional Highlander experience featuring the Associated Student Program Board’s (ASPB) annual Block Party. In anticipation of the fall concert, the initial lineup elicited mixed reactions from the student body, with some taking kindly to the announcement while others pushed back over social media. Bringing together a variety of performers, the prelude set before...
In most films, there is often a soundtrack that pairs along with it. Many times, it is new original music made just for the film or selected music added into it. Plenty of timeless songs have come from films that have even transcended the film itself. Some notable songs that gained popularity away from their respective films are “(I’ve...
In its first in-person rendition since the pandemic, the Tómas Rivera Conference returned to UCR’s campus with an array of authors that Endowed Chair, Alex Espinoza, introduced to writers and readers alike. In his opening introduction, Espinoza said, “I reached out to some colleagues and asked them, ‘Who would you like to be in conversation with?” The selected authors...