Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: black friday

It’s time to let Black Friday fade into the darkness

Black Friday has been the terrifying celebration of ravenous American consumerism for the last few decades. The day after Thanksgiving has become almost synonymous...

Highlander Newsroom 12/03/14

This week on the Highlander Newsroom, we discuss how we celebrated Black Friday (or didn't), and touch on the protests in Downtown Riverside and...

Editorial: Two sides to the Black Friday coin

With Thanksgiving Break just around the corner, students are eagerly packing their bags and preparing for the last days of classes before freedom is,...

Editorial: It’s just stuff: Keep Black Friday on Friday

Every year, in the early morning hours of the day after Thanksgiving, a ritual occurs where millions of shoppers gather impatiently outside large retailers,...

Fashion Instinct: Black Friday—Shopping Survival Guide

Let’s be honest, we all enjoy a good sale, right? Especially in today’s economy. Rushing to the next shopping sale is the only way...