Tag: joe biden
The real losers of the first 2024 presidential debate are the...
On Thursday, June 27, 2024, former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden participated in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election season....
We missed out on the $15 minimum wage increase
Joe Biden’s presidency offered hope for extensive change in the nation. One of the many measures that we looked forward to was the American...
Biden shows promise that he will finally pull America out of...
After what seems like an eternity of horrible mishandling of the COVID-19 vaccination process by former President Trump, Americans might be able to breathe...
It doesn’t matter who is ‘winning’: we’re all losers under the...
For the first time in 10 years, the U.S. Senate has a Democratic majority, and there is a Democrat in the White House. With...
Efficient vaccine distribution will only be possible with a united and...
Despite the hopes that 20 million Americans would receive the COVID-19 vaccines before the end of the year, only 4.8 million Americans have obtained...
Great Expectations of change from the Biden Administration
On the campaign trail, the former vice president made many promises while discussing some of the legislation he would attempt to implement over the...
UCR student organizations partake in an action-packed Election Day
The 2020 presidential race between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden was the first time many UCR students were eligible to vote in a...
Congressman Mark Takano joins UCR students in a round table discussion
The Undocumented Student Programs (USP) held a special Zoom event with Mark Takano, congressman of the 41st Congressional District in western Riverside County, on...
First time voters discuss their experience at the polls and express...
The stakes were high as voters anxiously awaited the results of the 2020 presidential race between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. This election...
Building back better: With the election over and won, the real...
As this year’s tumultuous election comes to an end, so does the formidable Trump administration—paving the way for a new era of politics in...