I read with deep regret Carisha Moore’s open letter to the Highlander regarding my silence on issues related to sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Making public comments during ongoing investigations may adversely affect the outcome of a case, which I wish to avoid at all costs. I recognize now those concerns made me too cautious in my public comments about sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) at UCR and I apologize for that.
While we have done much to address SVSH on our campus, we, like too many other universities, still have more to do in eliminating sexual violence and sexual harassment. I have joined with ASUCR leadership to push harder for reform on the campus. Among the first steps in that regard, I have committed to: 1) require in-person sexual violence and sexual harassment training for all Vice Chancellors and Deans, 2) work with our new Chief Compliance Officer to conduct a review of our Title IX processes, and 3) provide funding to increase staffing in our CARE Office. We will commence work on each of these, immediately.
Every person who steps foot on the UCR campus should expect an environment free from sexual violence and sexual harassment. I will work with student leaders throughout the summer to deal with this important issue and to provide other universities around the country a model for best practices.
I have learned much from this experience, and I look forward to working with the campus community in the months ahead to assure that everyone at UCR feels safe and supported.
Kim A. Wilcox