Sports editor Kendall Peterson.New photo w/hoodie.Kendall’s Fastball

Everyone has been waiting for the return of Derrick Rose from the Chicago Bulls. I’ve been desperately hoping for his return this year. It looks like we will get just that.

Wednesday, Jan. 30, Tom Thibodeau, the head coach of the Bulls, told reporters that Rose has been cleared for full contact and he has been practicing for a couple days. It is exciting to finally see the man who has become an icon in the NBA for his humility and his love for the game.

Rose’s return will be special, not only for myself, but for all the Bulls fans and for everyone that loves to see the toughness that Rose brings to the Bulls.

The 2010-11 MVP might take a little while to acclimate to the game speed because of his eight-month break from basketball. However, the Chicago Bulls have been holding down the fort.

There have been some games that they shouldn’t have lost and could have used Rose’s scoring ability to pull themselves out of the mud. But all the games that they have played without Rose has made the team come together as a unit.

The players who have gotten more playing time because of Rose’s absence, such as Jimmy Butler, have shown what they can do. They have been playing team ball and not relying on one man to score all of their points.  When Rose returns sometime after the Feb. 17 All-Star Game, the team will become a threat because Rose will help the the team’s offense if it becomes stagnant.

Without their MVP, the Bulls are 29-18, first in the Central Division and third in the Eastern Conference. Tom Thibodeau has shown his coaching ability and has shown that the Bulls can win with whoever is on the court. They have beaten the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks but have played down to some of their competitions, like losing to the Charlotte Bobcats.

Adrian Peterson from the Minnesota Vikings bounced back after he tore his ACL last year and had a heck of a season. With that said, Rose has the potential to come back just as strong or better.

The Chicago Bulls will be a threat and contend for the title when he returns. So here’s hoping Rose can maintain his health.
