Dating practices have gone through a series of changes over the last century. More traditional practices, such as recommendations from close friends or family, are losing traction, meanwhile the more modern practices of finding someone through dating apps like Hinge or Bumble are rampant as ever. Though the resurgence of matchmaking is prominent as the media comes out with idealized views of traditional dating through shows such as “Bridgerton” and “Indian Matchmaking,” traditional dating is not an indisputable answer to love.
The traditional dating model has the potential to help solve deal breakers early on that would normally arise in the later stages of dating. Questions such as level of commitment, children, effort and others would be addressed before either party makes a decision to get involved in a relationship in the first place. This could work out for many due to avoidance of commitment questions in the earlier stages of relationships.
When compared to modern dating, the biggest benefit traditional dating offers is finding someone who has similar values and interests. The other benefit is the ease of getting in touch with them by having the meeting arranged through a shared third party. Which is definitely better than being ghosted by yet another Hinge match who may or may not even exist. While a friendly matchmaker may be considered a third party, there is a certain level of reassurance that can be found when having a physical recommendation from a person you know exists and has met the person firsthand compared to an AI that only has information that the other person provided themselves.
In the end, no relationship is going to prosper without communication. The beauty of traditional dating is that each person can voice their wants and needs at the start, without fear of rejection later on. Chemistry is also a big thing to consider. It’s the original attraction felt towards another person, the moment when something clicks, or sometimes doesn’t click. Which is okay, because sometimes things just don’t work out, and no amount of communication can change it. Which is an important thing to note in the first interaction, and potentially discuss with someone you may consider a partner in the future.
The traditional dating model has its own fair share of problems that it can potentially create as well. The intensity of the questions being asked at the beginning of a relationship can be a bit off putting, or just uncomfortable in general. It also involves being transparent for a person who was a stranger just a little while ago. There is no telling how the relationship will play out, and the idea of someone else knowing about your own aspirations without guarantee that they’ll stick around can be frightening. Despite all this, both traditional dating and modern dating have their own pros and cons, whether it be third party matching, openness or the lack thereof, it all depends on what expectations a person has in mind.