The season of love has arrived and for those in a relationship or just seeking someone to spend Valentine’s Day with, you might be stumped as to whether or not you should ask them to be your Valentine. Here’s what your fellow UCR students have to say.

Based on the poll conducted, 68.8% of people think you should ask your significant other to be your Valentine. Reasons are varied but overall, people say “yes” to asking because it’s a great way to express how much you care for your loved ones. Regardless of relationship status and relationship length, asking demonstrates effort and shows that you care. It’s best not to assume and it’s a sweet gesture.
There’s multiple ways to go about how to ask your significant other. When asked how they would like to ask or be asked, 84.38% of students prefer to be asked along with a gift or date as opposed to just asking. Ultimately, the gift or date does depend on what your significant other likes since you want it to be unique and tailored to them specifically. However, if you are still unsure, flowers, chocolates or a dinner date goes a long way. Whatever shows consideration and thoughtfulness of your significant other will definitely make them feel special.
Interestingly, there was an overwhelming public opinion of 90.63% that agreed that gender doesn’t matter when it comes to asking. Whether you’re female, male or non-binary, students believe that anyone can ask. So, don’t be afraid to ask because of your gender. Additionally, 87.5% think it’s best to ask before Valentine’s Day so that you both have time to make plans together and that you both won’t stress out.
Hope this provides insight and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!