In the first Associated Students of the University of California, Riverside (ASUCR) meeting of the new year budget allocations, Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP) purchases, as well as campus accessibility were discussed. 

The meeting began with a statement from Makai Harrison, newly-elected vice chair of California Public Interest Research Group (CalPIRG), who updated the senate on their successes last quarter. Harrison described how the organization retrieved “over 1000 petitions from UCR students to protect our old growth forests.” CalPIRG contacted 200,000 students in their campaign to get more students to vote.

Additionally, the UCR CalPIRG board, according to Harrison, found themselves “eager” to promote the protection of California’s coasts from over fishing, oil drilling and climate change. They plan to petition to lobby state leaders for increased protection, as well as host large events to garner media coverage. 

Vice President of Finance Cooper Kumar then described the $36,594 of organization allocations that were made in the eighth finance hearing of the academic year. The Fiance Committee made three main announcements. They passed exemptions for Rio Taiko and the Black Student Union, a grant request for the Undergraduate Business Association and finally an internal hearing request from the student voice social media campaign.

The GCAP discussion considered an application for a grant by the R’Pantry for TerraCycle recycling bins. The bins provide designated locations for specific recyclable materials. By purchasing these boxes, the R’Pantry hopes to avoid contamination since many of its recyclable materials often get contaminated in general waste containers. The boxes are priced at roughly $3,000 each. According to College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Senator Hooshyari Far, “[the boxes] are a little expensive, but last a while.”

During public comment, a new transfer student majoring in public policy and economics, described wanting to be involved in student government. She shared her experience working for her previous schools’ student government. Many members of ASUCR offered to connect her with resources to further her efforts within UCR and student government. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) Senator Vo, CNAS Senator Wei and Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) Senator Akundi were absent; CNAS Senator Lalli was excused.
