Friday, July 26, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Brendan Bordelon

Brendan Bordelon


No on prop 29: cancer research is noble cause, but taxing cigarettes wrong way...

One of the cardinal rules of politics: when a campaign slogan breezily declares that “The Choice is Simple,” you can be absolutely sure that...

Apathetic on Afghanistan: Why the candidates are ignoring voter sentiment

One of the most important indicators of a healthy democracy is responsiveness, or how carefully political leaders acknowledge the preferences of a majority of...

The Buffett rule should be deemed ineffective and unnecessary

You wouldn’t know it from Occupy Wall Street’s angry rants against America’s tight-fisted 1 percent, but a surprising number of fat cats are eager...

Failed energy policies to blame for high gas prices

Students at UC Riverside have always been more sensitive to the pressures of the pump than average college students. Every day hordes of commuters...

Nuclear advances make conflict with Iran imminent

It’s hard to follow the news on Iran these days without experiencing a bit of déjà vu. 10 years is a long time, particularly...

American withdrawal allows for the return of Iraqi authoritarianism

As a Westerner watching the downtrodden people of the Middle East rise up against their oppressors, it is hard not to feel both inspired...