Jacqueline Lee
Personal accountability facilitates strong employer and employee relationships
From my experience as a writing tutor at UCR's Academic Resource Center for the past three years, I've noticed how students constantly struggle to...
R’Perspective: How proactivity and humility determine what true success is
As graduation draws near and senioritis kicks in, I have realized that being proactive is perhaps the most important trait to gain from college....
Fixing classroom environments could improve perception of reading and writing
As someone who developed an early interest in reading books, it always puzzled me why so many people find reading and writing difficult. Reading...
American society’s negative emphasis of meritism over multiculturalism
Prior to entering adulthood, attending college is likened to a symbol of prestige for adolescents to work toward. Emphasis is placed highly on a...
On poverty and privilege within public transportation
As graduation looms closer and job applications become a necessity, I have noticed that almost all job postings require that applicants have their own...
White privilege and issues of proper representation in Hollywood’s “Ghost in the Shell”
Considering that Mamoru Oshii’s “Ghost in the Shell” has a strong popularity among anime fans that has lasted over 20 years, similar strong fan...
Student loans and part-time jobs are restricting students’ career professionalization
Prior to college, part-time jobs tend not to be an absolute necessity for many students. In fact, volunteer work, extracurriculars and academic competitions are...
Foreign languages, jus sanguinis and American xenophobia
While American society claims to be proud of its multicultural heritage, in reality it probably unnerves many Americans. Donald Trump's rise as the 45th...
On the lack of medical research for e-cigarettes and marijuana
Within the past decade, e-cigarettes have been marketed as the safe, economic-friendly alternative for users to get their nicotine fix instead of from cigarettes...