Saturday, January 25, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Oscar Campos

Oscar Campos


Let’s rethink the four-person cap for homeowners

Led by ASUCR Local Affairs Liaison Breana Ross, UC Riverside students protested the Feb. 25, 2014 Riverside City Council meeting for unfairly passing legislation...

Lower the CHASS language requirement to 3 quarters

The four-quarter foreign language requirement for students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) has plagued students for years. In certain...

What we lose if we do nothing on immigration

The political debate on immigration reform in the United States has been a lingering issue for decades. Overwhelming bipartisan legislation to reform the nation’s...

Obama comes in with a strong hand, demanding a raise for America

President Obama used his State of the Union address last Tuesday to bounce back from a forgettable 2013 and ask the joint session of...