Tim R. Aguilar
The dual face of nonprofits: providing charity or playing politics?
‘Tis the season to reach down into our pockets past the lint balls and with a little luck find some spare change for the...
The separation of church and state comes to Riverside
This month developments regarding the display of religious symbols in the cities of Lake Elsinore and Riverside received national attention. The Washington, D.C.-based Military...
Don’t quit on democracy
What happens when your candidate doesn’t win an election? You secede from the Union, of course. In response to the recent presidential election, petitions...
Blood in oil and bribery
Last month, big oil, mining and gas, hiding behind The United States Chamber of Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute and the Independent Petroleum Association...
Compromising our vote
Between the hours of 12:20 and 2:00 am, on election night in 2004, an electronic swing of more than 300,000 votes switched Ohio’s electoral...
Actions speak louder than words
Our nation is forward thinking, focused on matters immediate to our circumstances. We have been tested by slavery, war, civil rights and the Great...
Affirmative action is not a number
After signing the Civil Rights Act, July 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson addressed the graduating class at Howard University. He said, “You do not...
My spin on the vice presidential debate
The debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan was considered a draw by CNN Political Analyst David Gergen. A CNN poll...
Venture capitalist versus community organizer
On the evening of the presidential debate, Governor Mitt Romney stood at one podium, a venture capitalist that made his living buying and dismantling...
Civil rights versus civil liberties
Recently, free speech was on the chopping block at UC campuses across the state. At the direction of President Mark Yudof, the President’s...