Saturday, May 18, 2024
This week in the Highlander Newsroom, we discuss the anti-vaccination movement and the UC's new policy in response to the measles outbreak, give our opinions on the recently announced HEAT lineup (including Giraffage and Panic! at the Disco) and offer advice on how to have a good Valentine's Day. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom on the radio, airing...
This week on the Highlander Newsroom, we discuss some of the propositions on the 2014 ballot, talk about who we're rooting for in the World Series and celebrate Halloween by picking the creepiest places on campus. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom on the radio, airing every Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 6:30 p.m., only on KUCR...
This week in the Highlander Newsroom, we talk about UCR's plans for expansion and how outreach can be improved, debate the merits of ASUCR's $40,000 program to hand out free sweatshirts to freshmen, and touch on how Omarion danced the night away at Winter Soulstice. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom on the radio, airing every Wednesday at 9...
This week on the Highlander Newsroom, we discuss how we celebrated Halloween, the convivial atmosphere of the Food Truck Festival and how student athletes are treated in the wake of the college athletics cheating scandal at the University of North Carolina. Joining us this week is special guest Juan Flores, the KUCR station manager. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom...
Highlander Newsroom is a weekly radio program broadcast on KUCR 88.3 on Wednesdays at 9AM. The show, hosted by UCR's Highlander Newspaper Editorial Board, discusses, debates and jokes about current events both on campus and off, giving listeners a glimpse into the perspectives of UCR's students. On this week's show, Chris, Townsend and Kevin discuss UCR's new on-campus food truck...
This week on the Highlander Newsroom, we discuss what our plans our for Thanksgiving Break and talk about all aspects of the UC tuition increase, from the action at the regents meeting to student occupation of Hinderaker Hall. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom on the radio, airing every Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 6:30 p.m., only...
This week in the Highlander Newsroom, we lament the last throes of Spring Break, debate what comments made by UC President Janet Napolitano regarding student protestors mean and highlight the approval of a UCR-based food pantry. Be sure to catch the Highlander Newsroom on the radio, airing every Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 6:30 p.m., only on KUCR...