Saturday, October 12, 2024
In response to a high-voltage switch failure that occurred near the Genomics building last Saturday, Oct. 13, the UCR Facilities Management team was forced to temporarily shut down power to nearly 30 buildings across campus. The power outage was caused by a failure in the electrical switch located near the Genomics building. A generator was used to power the building...
On Oct. 16, Highlander Editor-in-Chief Chris LoCascio and News Editor Sandy Van joined student newspapers from seven University of California campuses for an interview with Governor Jerry Brown on the UCLA campus. With the UC’s future funding uncertain, the discussion encompassed the impact of Proposition 30, sustainable measures for higher education, market intrusion in the public sector and the...
Hosted by ASUCR and ASPB, the “Meet the Candidates” forum took place on Oct. 17. As part one of three events in the “Before the Ballot Political Speaker Series,” the distinguished panel consisted of local candidates for mayor, county supervisor, state assembly, state senate and Congress vying for electoral office in November. ASUCR President Liam Dow presented a resolution, which...

News In Brief

UCR RESEARCHERS DEVELOP APP FOR MALWARE DETECTION  With the help of engineering professors and graduate students, the UCR department of computer science has developed the online application, MyPageKeeper, which detects and combats cyber-crime. Researchers analyzed more than 40 million posts from 12,000 people who installed the app and managed to successfully flag 97 percent of spam and malware posts on...
Issue 5 Correction: UCR Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (EVCP) WIlliam Kidder did not co-author the AERA brief. Kidder is part of the writing team that drafted the brief signed by 444 American Social Scientists. With the introduction of opening statements, the U.S. Supreme Court case in Fisher v. University of Texas (UT) conducted its first trial on Oct. 10....
Voter registration was a major area of focus in the Oct. 11 ASUCR Senate meeting as an overwhelming number of senators discussed their plans and efforts to register students in the upcoming weeks. Other points of discussion include the revisions of two bylaws, which established a due process procedure for internal stipend increases and greater financial autonomy within individual...
On Oct. 4, the city of Riverside was ranked number one in the Government Green Fleets category during the Green Fleet Conference, due to its success in reducing public-sector vehicle emissions. Among the criteria for selection were “standards in fleet composition, fuel and emissions, policy planning, fleet utilization, education, executive and employee involvement, and supporting programs,” according to Government Fleet,...
Board members of the University of California Student Association (UCSA) recently announced that President Angelica Salceda has resigned from her position. Citing personal and private obligations, the third-year law student at UC Berkeley decided to resign on Oct 2. just two months after taking office. UCSA is a student-run organization made up of UC student government representatives that aim to increase...
This month, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that will affect California's college and university students and faculty on multiple levels. The bills passed during the 2011-2012 state legislative session involve: future fee increases, expansions to scholarship packages and faculty tenure. AB 970, authored by Assemblyman Paul Fong (D-Cupertino), seeks to ensure transparency and accountability for the state’s working families in... The California Master Plan for Higher Education promised all Californian college students access to a high-quality and affordable education. 50 years later, that promise is crippled and conditional for students who have limited access to core classes, rising student loan debt and diminished campus resources. A recent study by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) reveals that...