Tuesday, April 30, 2024

America needs to stop fearing the rich and instead make them work for us

Although millions of people are out of jobs and without relief because of the pandemic, billionaires have still managed to get richer. This problem has gone on for far too long, and without proper...

We should not expect progressive changes from the Biden Administration without a little push

Although Joe Biden’s win was a positive turn of events given the last four catastrophic years, the fight for a better America is not over. Given Joe Biden’s cabinet candidates, the country will likely...

California lockdowns without proper relief will cause more harm than good

At the time of writing, California has surpassed one million confirmed COVID cases, and Governor Gavin Newsom is implementing large reopening rollbacks along with a curfew for 41 out of the state’s 58 counties....

Building back better: With the election over and won, the real challenge starts now

As this year’s tumultuous election comes to an end, so does the formidable Trump administration—paving the way for a new era of politics in America with President-elect Joe Biden. While Biden and Vice President-elect...

Low enrollment is the silent killer for institutions during the pandemic

As a new wave of students are set to apply to college, UCR must consider how they are going to appeal the most to prospective students now that there are more challenges than benefits...

The UC must adjust tuition and fee costs to match the quality of education

Yet again, the University of California (UC) has proven itself to be an all-for-profit business, neglecting the needs of their students during a pandemic. Even with a class action lawsuit against the UC, students’...

Debate or not, the American people must reconsider the platform they enable Trump to...

With the recent news that President Trump contracted the coronavirus, speculation of whether or not a second debate would take place flooded the media. It soon became clear that both parties were a far cry...

UC layoffs further reveal that the UC is ran like a corporation instead of...

The University of California (UC) stated that there would be no layoffs amid the growing job insecurity within the U.S. As one of the largest employers in California, this was promising news to the...

Cutting from the bottom-up: The elimination of UCR athletics and the School of Public...

As UCR approaches the new academic year, one of the main concerns facing Highlanders is the Budget Advisory Committee’s (BAC) proposal to eliminate UCR Athletics along with the School of Public Policy (SPP). This...

Reform or defunding — either way change within the UCPD is long overdue

People, especially Black people, have long been exhausted by the continuing issues of police brutality and racism that is perpetuated by the current systems implemented. In the past two months, nationwide protests have broken...