Tuesday, October 8, 2024
“The Truman Show” is a psychological comedy-drama film released in 1998 that explored many themes that have since blossomed into today’s society. Directed by Peter Weir, the film gained much success on its debut and earned several award nominations. “The Truman Show” has become a classic among fans, creating a legacy that will stand the test of time for...
Light spoilers Marvel Animation Inc.’s newest series demonstrated that animated storytelling is just as compelling as, if not better than, live action. From the brilliant minds of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Marvel presented their first revival show "X-Men ‘97," concluding its season finale which aired on May 15 on Disney+. The show gave a warm welcome to newcomers and...
Since “Bridgerton’s” first season debuted in 2020, the series has become a massive success among viewers, creating a wide fanbase. The show has since released another season and a prequel spinoff series “Queen Charlotte,” both met with high ratings and praise. “Bridgerton” is based on the novel series of the same name written by Julia Quinn. The passionate, emotional drama...
Spring Splash undoubtedly holds a special place amongst University of California, Riverside (UCR) concerts. For seniors, it’s their last hurrah before graduation and for underclassmen, it’s their introduction to musical performances by big artists, multiple attractions and more. To all, it stands as the biggest Associated Students Program Board’s (ASPB) event of the year. This year’s Spring Splash was...
Four years after its debut, the second season of "Blood of Zeus," a Netflix original anime series, premiered on May 10. The first season, which premiered in 2020, follows Heron (Derek Phillips), a bastard mistreated by villagers and his unwed mother, Electra (Mamie Gummer). Their friend, Elias (Jason O’Mara), helps them through tough times, living in a hut miles...
*Spoilers* “Evil Does Not Exist” opens with a lengthy, unbroken shot of snow capped trees from below, an intimidating angle diminishing us against the leafless branches. Arresting, yet discordant strings from musician Eiko Ishibashi accompany the scene. The shot ends abruptly and we’re introduced to an eight-year-old Hana (Ryô Nishikawa), who is observing something in the forest. We then follow...
This Mental Health Awareness month, The Highlander features what kind of games, shows, movies and more help comfort University of California, Riverside (UCR) students. Dominic Gomez (Economy, 4th year, he/him:) “How I Met Your Mother” It is incredibly funny and has heartbreaking moments and unforgettable characters. GG Galvan (Anthropology, 4th year, she/her ): “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” It’s such a realistic depiction of that...
Fans of late night television likely have a friend in YouTube — it’s where most of these shows upload select clips of their episodes for audiences to enjoy. “Last Week Tonight” is historically no different, with the channel featuring some web exclusives and the “main story tonight” of every episode that airs. On Friday, April 26, a teaser was...
After a couple of years, the Doctor is back and more fabulous than he’s ever been. Having had two adventures so far with Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson), which are now available on Disney+, we’ve seen a return to serialized storytelling that feels fresh in the age of streaming. From a futuristic baby farm to the Swinging Sixties, the new...
Life is a mountain surrounded by smaller mountains that we are constantly climbing. We are challenged with a plethora of problems in our day to day: trying to do good in school, being cool enough to make friends and figuring out what the meaning of our lives is.  Video games, while commonly seen as an escape from the hardships of...