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Tag: 2012 U.S. presidential election

Compromising our vote

Between the hours of 12:20 and 2:00 am, on election night in 2004, an electronic swing of more than 300,000 votes switched Ohio’s electoral...

Actions speak louder than words

Our nation is forward thinking, focused on matters immediate to our circumstances. We have been tested by slavery, war, civil rights and the Great...

A new perspective: the liberal case for Mitt Romney

On Nov. 4, 2008, people everywhere across the nation stood transfixed to their televisions, straining to catch a glimpse of whom our democracy had...

My spin on the vice presidential debate

The debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan was considered a draw by CNN Political Analyst David Gergen. A CNN poll...

Venture capitalist versus community organizer

On the evening of the presidential debate, Governor Mitt Romney stood at one podium, a venture capitalist that made his living buying and dismantling...

A surprising win for the elephants

The presidential debate drinking game: ever heard of it? I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the college students have, and while I am...

Editorial: Frustration should lead to the voting booth

We’ve all heard it. “I care, but my vote really doesn’t matter.” We’ve heard it in Rivera library, in Starbucks, in class, at the...

The Question: Are you better off today than you were four...

“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” This was the question President Reagan asked voters in his bid for reelection....