UCR4COLA organizes to demand that Chancellor Wilcox and the UC refund...
Martin Lopez /HIGHLANDER
On Wednesday, April 1, UCR4COLA, a UCR student movement that stands in solidarity with...
UCR graduate students continue to fight for cost-of-living adjustments despite move...
Like undergraduate students, graduate students have been impacted by the spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent moves by university administration to close...
Students meet with chancellors to discuss UCR’s response to COLA strikes
On Thursday March 4 at 3:30 p.m., four students met with Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Brian Haynes...
ASUCR passes bill that would require any proposed stipend increases take...
On Wednesday, Feb. 26, ASUCR held their eighth senate meeting of the quarter.
During Public Forum, Amanda Riggle, a...
Sit-in protest in Hinderaker Hall aims to bring awareness to the...
On Thursday, Feb. 27 at approximately 2:15 p.m., students in support of the cost-of-living adjustment movement (COLA) gathered in front of Hinderaker...