Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: college students

Paid parking is unnecessary for college students

College is full of hidden costs. On top of paying tuition, students must either pay for gas to commute every day or monthly rent...

Class Spotlight: Student project sheds light on climate change and promotes...

Prompted by an assigned class project, a group of five students are striving to implement solutions on a local scale, recognizing the crucial role...

No one is naturally born confident 一 don’t be afraid to...

You might have heard before that the key to forming successful relationships in college is by being an outgoing person: not being shy when...

Situationships are not for the faint of heart

All relationships are founded upon communication, even ones as seemingly informal as the so-called situationship. A situationship is something less clear-cut than a committed...

Posting an aesthetically pleasing picture of your iced coffee isn’t going...

College is the perfect time to explore your identity, and you shouldn’t waste your time trying to become someone you're not. Growing up, you...

Biden and Democratic lawmakers may need student loan forgiveness more than...

With the effects of the pandemic still taking its toll, the Biden administration announced that the student loan payment moratorium will be extended to...

It’s time to take a closer look at the Cal Grant...

The longer this year goes on, the more apparent it becomes that even the most generous sources of Californian financial aid are outdated. The...

Packed like sardines 一 Why UCSB’s proposed ‘mega-dorm’ is dangerous for...

Billionaire investor and amateur architect Charles Munger has donated $200 million to break ground on a new dorm complex at the University of California,...

Post-lockdown, students need to prioritize sleep hygiene

  Research is showing that a surprising 98% of people are experiencing new sleeping problems after the pandemic-induced lockdown. What is especially concerning is that...

The vetoing of Assembly Bill 1456 is a blow to social...

On Oct. 8th, Gov. Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 1456 “The Cal Grant Reform Act,” which would have expanded financial aid to another 160,000 community...