Tag: egypt
Middle East and Islamic Studies hosts screening of documentary “Tickling Giants”
On Wednesday, May 31 in INTS 1128, the Middle East and Islamic Studies program hosted a screening of the film “Tickling Giants,” a harrowing...
Middle Eastern Student Center’s 2017 M.E. Week celebrates art, cuisine, performance...
A traditional Middle Eastern sobhaneh was a great wake up for Middle Eastern Week
By: Evan Ismail, SSW
To begin the Middle Eastern Student Center’s (MESC)...
Wade Nobles lectures on African history and humanity
San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor emeritus Wade Nobles gave a lecture on Jan. 19 entitled “Yesterday is History, Today is a Miracle, Tomorrow...
The Middle East: taking a turn for the worse
The bombing needs to stop. For anyone unaware of the protestors at the Bell Tower lately, this is the phrase that has been glued...
Letting fires die: understanding religious extremism
Flags flew at half mast recently for the latest American deaths in Libya. The inevitable and most simple question is, “Why murder?” Naturally, most...