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Tag: fall 2021

Be in-the-know of what characterizes the best dorm room

Perhaps the most exciting part of being admitted into your college of choice is making the decision to dorm. Dorming is one of the...

ASUCR continues to advocate for a safe campus reopening

On Wednesday, April 14, ASUCR held their first State of the Association meeting of the spring quarter, where members of the Executive Cabinet briefed...

UCR releases its fall 2021 instructional plan

“Current forecasts give us hope that in the fall our students can enjoy a more normal on-campus experience,” stated University of California President Michael...

The University of California aims to completely overhaul standardized testing requirements...

In March of last year and largely due to the hardships brought about by the global pandemic, the University of California (UC) announced that...

A UC pipe dream: reopening without a good plan will be...

As of Jan. 11, the University of California (UC) President Michael V. Drake and the rest of the UC announced that all campuses will...