Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: friendship

The friendship breakup guide

Whether it be a large argument or a slow distancing over time, there are many reasons why a friendship breakup can happen. No matter...

While college may be filled with uncertainty, socializing will help UCR...

College is the time for students to find themselves not only academically, but socially. This is difficult when impostor syndrome creeps up while students...

More than a spring fling: Finding friendship before summer

As we head into the summer, some students may feel they haven’t made enough friends to socialize with. It’s a concern that’s common across...

Paramore fights through loss and depression with new synth-pop album “After...

Every time a well-established band comes out with a new record, a wave of fans come out of their dark corridors and proclaim that the band have lost...

Campus Cope: Roommates

For those of us who have been lucky enough, we have never had an impending issue with a roommate before: We respected their space,...

Under the Kilt: Helping a friend undergoing relationship abuse

As companions who deeply care about, treasure and appreciate our friends, seeing one of them go through a physically or emotionally abusive relationship is...

R’Perspective: The Weight of Memory

What a mixed year 2014 was. There were a lot of ups and downs on a global scale … almost too many to count....