Friday, September 20, 2024
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Tag: police brutality

The California Highway Patrol must incorporate body cameras into its routines...

Given the grossly high number of police brutality victims in America, it seems obvious that all police forces incorporate the use of body cams....

Despite promises for change, America continues to resist solving systemic racism...

One year ago on May 25, George Floyd was killed in cold blood by former police officer Derek Chauvin. Floyd’s death provoked outrage, and...

UCR community speaks out against proposed changes to UCPD policies

The UC Regents proposed changes to the Universitywide Police Policies and Administrative Procedures on February 5. Those proposed changes include revisions to the “Use...

Returning to normalcy means the return of systemic problems

Joe Biden’s presidency gave many hopes for extensive change to occur; already we have seen the country slowly but surely returning to normalcy with...

Derek Chauvin is on trial, but the future of America is...

As Derek Chauvin stands trial for the murder of George Floyd, America too stands trial for its long history of enabling police brutality and...

Spring Breakers in Miami: traveling during the pandemic and police brutality

After spending over a year in quarantine, we should still be cautious when it comes to long-distance and nonessential travel. Over the spring break...

White supremacy and its chokehold on the police force

Calls to defund the police have ramped up following the tumultuous election of 2020 and the Capitol riots as the fear of white supremacy...

“Black and brown people and their white supporters are treated like...

Dr. Moses serves as a professor of anthropology, associate vice chancellor for diversity, equity and excellence and executive director for conflict resolution at UCR....

Reform or defunding — either way change within the UCPD is...

People, especially Black people, have long been exhausted by the continuing issues of police brutality and racism that is perpetuated by the current systems...

Students express their concerns over lack of advocacy for the Black...

Editor's note: As ASUCR did not record the Zoom meeting, The Highlander is providing an audio recording of the meeting. The audio recordings can...