Tuesday, December 10, 2024
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Tag: Solidarity

I will not be a lip service revolutionary

The death of George Floyd and multiple other black people has reignited media coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement. Both traditional and social...

UCR joins hands with Nepal

Over 150 members of the UCR community attended a candlelight vigil last Thursday to show support for the people of Nepal after a 7.8...

UCR in solidarity with missing students in Mexico

Multiple campus student organizations led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) of UCR organized a demonstration and candlelight vigil to stand in solidarity...

UC Riverside students condemn mass incarceration

Highlanders and members of the Riverside community observed a national day of action against mass incarceration and police brutality during an ASUCR-led event on...

UCR stands in solidarity with UCSB

Members of the UCR community attended a candlelight vigil last Wednesday to pay their respects to the lives lost near UCSB on Friday, May...