Tag: ted cruz
Censoring is not the answer — penalizing is
Republican Senator Ted Cruz consistently finds himself facing controversy, this time saying that he believes Democrats want “illegal aliens” and “child molesters'' to vote....
Fighting climate change denial with facts is a lost cause
Even after the unprecedented winter storm that left millions of Texans without power, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is still hell-bent on denying anthropogenic climate...
Ted Cruz is an embarrassment to the Senate and should resign
Ted Cruz is a disgrace to Texas and to the U.S. Senate. As the Texas power crisis shows how quickly poorly maintained infrastructure can...
Two rights make a wrong
For the last year, up until he dropped out of the race a few weeks ago, Ted Cruz had been considered a viable candidate...
Highlander Newsroom (5/4/16)
This week in the Highlander Newsroom, we chat about Ted Cruz dropping out of the presidential race, the BCOE dean stepping down, graduation, the...
Cruz’s counterterrorism proposal would be ineffective and discriminatory
In the aftermath of the attacks on Brussels by Islamic extremists, which killed 35 and injured about 300, Islamophobic sentiment once again came into...