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ASUCR: proposes opt-out fee

The ASUCR senate convened last Wednesday November 18, 2015, to discuss a variety of topics, among them the presentation of the Student Advocacy, Governance...

UC Student Association approves Israeli divestment resolution

The University of California Student Association (UCSA) passed the “Resolution Calling for the Regents to Divest from Corporations Violating Palestinian Human Rights” on Feb....

64 Highlanders participate in UCSA’s annual conference

Over 400 UC students, including 64 Highlanders, attended the 12th Annual Student Lobby Conference from April 4-6 to advocate on and raise awareness about...

News in Brief

UCR endows new chancellor research fellowship to support undergraduate research Chancellor Kim Wilcox and his wife Diane Del Buono will endow a new Chancellor’s Research...

Agenda preview of the 2013 November UC Board of Regents meeting

The UC Board of Regents meeting is convening from Nov.12-14 at the UC San Francisco Mission Bay. Here are a few highlights to look...

Legislation typos delay passage of senate resolutions

The passage of two resolutions brought forth by the Legislative Review Committee (LRC) highlighted last Monday’s ASUCR senate meeting. After some complications with the...

New polling sites for spring elections and exploring campus culture

Senators delivered reports on the upcoming ASUCR spring elections and systemwide campus climate survey on Feb. 13 in the Senate Chambers. Other notable topics...

ASUCR update: outdoor classroom in community garden approved

On Nov. 26, members of the ASUCR Senate listened to Fortino Morales, Staff Coordinator of the UCR Community Garden, as he gave a quick...

The 24th Annual Students of Color Conference held at UCR

From Nov. 9-11, UCR hosted the 24th Annual Students of Color Conference (SOCC), a three-day systemwide event that addressed the structural and social issues...

UC regents pass 2013-2014 fiscal budget, possible 6% tuition increase

In protest of future tuition increases, student demonstrators temporarily halted the UC Board of Regents meeting which took place from Nov.13-15—just one week after...