Tag: voice
Your vote is your voice, and it says far more than...
Issues ranging from systemic discrimination, healthcare, pandemic management, the nomination for the SCOTUS, among many more create a tense environment surrounding this election, making...
Chancellor Wilcox holds town hall to discuss 50-year vision for UCR
On Thursday, April 11 UCR Chancellor Kim Wilcox held a one hour town hall with members of the university community in HUB 302 to...
Survey finds trend of students wanting to transfer out of UCR
At the beginning of the Winter 2019 quarter, the Student Voice Committee (SVC) conducted a survey regarding UCR student interest in transferring or leaving...
Student Voice Committee seeks more active role in improving student experience
As the UCR student body increases in number, the Student Voice Committee (SVC) sees feedback as vital in assuring the quality of campus services...