Senators approved two internal allocations: $17,868.50 for HUB renovation, which seeks to create a separate and much larger lobby area for the ASUCR front desk and waiting area; and $22,950 in Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP) funding for the expansion of two solar benches, which is being pulled from the senate reserve funds.
Vice President of Finance Janice Tang explained that both ASUCR and its outreach to the student body is expanding, so the high traffic flow tends to create overcrowdedness by students who turn in paperwork and sign up for finance hearing slots. “With the way that the front desk space is currently structured, it’s difficult for the front desk receptionists to monitor who walks into the office,” forcing the responsibility to shift over to Amy Carrizosa, ASUCR’s payroll and budget accountant.
“Also, we currently share the front desk with GSA (the Graduate Student Association) so our ASUCR receptionist processes GSA and ASUCR documents,” she said. “With the restructure, (both student governments) will have their own front desks.”
Tang says the renovation will begin in summer of 2014.
ASUCR Vice President of Internal Affairs Johnny Ta also gave his GCAP report and requested a motion to approve two solar benches, which would allow for wireless Internet and outlets.
“These benches are not cheap, but … the technology alone is very innovative, seeing how they’re all weather-proof,” Ta said. Motioned by Senator Jessica Moncayo and seconded by Senator Kelly Tran, the allocation was approved by 12-0-1.
Students, such as third-year business major Elena Thomas, believe that the solar benches are an economically good investment that will help the planet. “I think it will be very beneficial to students because the current wireless Internet connection is not the most reliable,” Thomas expressed. “I also think sustainable energy sources is the way to go in this day, so yes, it is worth it.”