ASUCR held its weekly meeting last Wednesday, May 16. Here are the highlights:
- Budget for next year approved … Vice President of Finance Jose Cortez-Hernandez presented a spreadsheet of the budget plan proposed by the Finance Committee, which was passed unanimously with a vote of 9-0-0. The addition of a “campaign reimbursement” to next year’s ASUCR election was made to the budget, where candidates may be partially or completely repaid for expenditures made during their campaign. It was pointed out that candidates would not have to win to fall under this precept and that various other UCs already have this rule in place.
- Plans for next year … CHASS Senator Martin Cuenca discussed his plans as vice president of external affairs next year with Salih Muhammad, and how he intends to work with him on “bridging the gap” between on-campus organizations and ASUCR.
- Wilcox on sexual harassment … Executive Vice President Carisha Moore spoke about a meeting she and President Aram Ayra had with Chancellor Kim Wilcox on sexual harassment. “He really wanted to do something about the issue and contribute in a way that his office can fix,” Moore said in regards to that meeting. The meeting, which was scheduled at Wilcox’s request, determined that a “senior management group” for current and future chancellors and their cohorts should be created to educate them on sexual harassment. Moore pointed out that other UCs don’t have this kind of regulatory system in place for their chancellors and their colleagues.
The next ASUCR meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 23 in the senate chambers located in HUB 221.