New year, new me! That’s what we all say isn’t it, but by Jan. 3 we are all back to the same bad behavior. This year will be different, be special, be adventurous — 2024 is the year of living. If you are a lost lamb looking for a way to feel joy again this year, here are 24 things to do in 2024.
- Get a life
Life is too short to spend it in bed. Stop scrolling through the endless abyss of the internet of your phone — go outside, touch some grass and get a life.
- Bake more
Baking is fun. Cakes, cookies, muffins, banana bread, cupcakes, pastries, croissants, macaroons — the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, these baked goods will taste far superior to any store bought items.
- Buy a Baggu
The Baggu bag is the bag to have. Keep your snacks, laptop, water bottle and first born child all in the bottomless Baggu.
- Go to class
I see you, paying 30 grand to rot in your dorm bed instead of going to class. You go king! Maximizing your education and your dollar with every missed lecture. Literally go to class — it is the reason you are at school.
- Actually go to the gym
Every year everyone and their mom has the new year’s resolution to go to the gym; this year actually go to the gym. If you hate working out, try one of the UCR Student Recreation Center (SRC) classes. Peer pressure actually works, so get a workout buddy, go to the class and let the environment force you to work out.
- Self care every day
Everyday should be about you. Prioritize yourself! Do your skin care, drink water, eat a meal and feel your self rejuvenating with every step made for yourself.
- Get a job
Stop being broke, be up. Go get a job so you can survive this recession.
- Explore Riverside
Literally just go outside. Why are you spending all your time staring at the four white walls of your apartment when you can go see downtown! Explore the antique shop, walk around the art museum, or even stay at UCR and play hide and seek in the arts building. Just have some fun before your apartment starts to consume you.
- Get a tan
Again, go outside … spend at least 10 minutes in the sun everyday so that you do not turn gray. You do not have the “skin of a killer,” this is not twilight, you are not Bella. No one cares where you have been loca, as long as you go outside.
- Go to Six Flags
Disnyland is out in 2024 — we do not support genocidal companies here! Instead go to Six Flags, have the time of your life waiting in short lines to ride actual fun rides. And ASUCR has a discount so it’s cheaper.
- Cook in your kitchen
Stop eating out, you’re literally broke. There is no reason your credit card bill should have $2,000 worth of doordash orders on it. Instead use that kitchen you are paying a monthly rent for and eat the $100 worth of groceries you bought yesterday. Being lazy is out in 2024 — start cooking.
- Open a saving account
Like I said before, you are broke. The only way to not be broke is to start saving money. Open a savings account and start building that generational wealth for your family.
- Get life insurance
If all else fails and you are unable to save money, get a life insurance policy to save money instead. This way when you die instead of leaving your children with debt, they can at least depend on your life insurance policy.
- Become financially literate
So your kids do not have to rely on your life insurance to support them, start learning about money. Financial literacy is not reserved for Wall Street bros and business majors. Go learn about money so you can have some money.
- Read a book…
With the intelligence levels of some of the people out in these streets it’s rather apparent that nobody reads anymore. Pick up a book and start educating yourself. Just cause society is stupid does not mean you should be too.
- Read a book about manipulation
If you want to be a manipulator or avoid being manipulated, knowing the art of manipulation is important.
- Be a problem
This year … be the problem. Instead of having to wait for everyone’s apologies for wronging you, wrong them first. Be apologized to not the apologizer.
- Be realistic — 2024 is not the year of the delulu
Being delusional is out, these years come back to reality and stop obsessing over that man who looks like one of those crusty white dogs.
- Quit smoking
Your body, your choice so if you want to continue to blacken your lungs be my guest, but if you care the least bit about your health it’s time to put down the fruit flavored USB, if not for yourself than for Congo.
- Mind your own business
This year, keep your nose out of other people’s business, there is no need to be involved in drama that has nothing to do with you. Manifest peace for 2024.
- Listen to more Champagne Papi
Listen to some Drake, he will give you joy. Open the windows and scream some Anita Max Wynn at the top of your lungs just to feel something.
- No situationships
Situationships and weird middle grounds are out. Either get in a relationship or leave each other alone. No need to live a life in limbo.
- Live, laugh, love
Why is everyone so stressed about everything … literally just live. Make the best of your life and try to enjoy it.
- No toxicity in 2024
2024 is the year of no toxicity. Find some peace and enjoy the vibes and have a wonderful New Year.