Aries (March 21 – April 19): Page of Cups

The Page of Cups recalls your inner child, viewing the world with open eyes and an open mind. This is your sign to indulge your inner child this week – follow new ideas, explore the world around you, allow yourself to believe that anything is possible. Don’t shut yourself down just because it seems childish.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Fool

You don’t always have to have a plan. In fact, sometimes it’s helpful to proceed with an open mind, looking for different possibilities rather than holding on to your preconceived notions. So if you don’t know what to do with yourself this week – great! Enjoy the opportunity to explore new things.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Eight of Swords

You’ve been feeling trapped, in some way – by circumstance or situation, with no clear way out. This is your reminder that things aren’t always as bad as they seem, and sometimes, part of what’s holding you back is your own mind. Sometimes, you only feel helpless because you’ve already convinced yourself that you have no other options. Take a step back, and breathe. Maybe you’re better off than you think you are.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): King of Swords

The King of Swords is a leader and an achiever, first and foremost. If you haven’t already been taking the reins, now is the time to do so. You have the experience, the wisdom and the clarity necessary to point yourself and others in the right direction. Even if some don’t get exactly what they want, you’ll know you got them exactly what they needed.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Knight of Cups

At his core, the Knight of Cups is a romantic – so indulge your romantic side, Leo! Don’t worry about being embarrassed or reserved. Take this week to see the beauty in the world around you, to dream big, and to love. Not just the people around you, not just yourself, but life itself.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Six of Swords

Let’s not mince words, Virgo. You’ve had a rough go of it. This is your invitation to turn your gaze away from the past, and toward the future. Let go of whatever you can that’s holding you back, and set your mind to the horizon ahead. Things won’t get better overnight – but things are changing, bit by bit, with every second that goes by.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Temperance

You’ve got a lot going on. Between work, academics, and your social life, things can quickly get overwhelming. Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice any of these facets of your life in any major way – just remember to keep things balanced. Sure, you want to hang out with your friends, but you did that yesterday, and that essay’s due tomorrow. Don’t spend too much time in any one area of your life – give everything equal weight.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): King of Cups

A lot has happened since the beginning of the year, but luckily, you have the opportunity to learn from it. Take this week to think back on everything that’s happened for the past month, and consider how you can use those experiences to approach life’s challenges with a more balanced, more mature perspective.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Five of Pentacles

Times are tough, Sagittarius, especially for a college student. Remember that everything comes and goes, so even when money’s tight, it won’t last forever. If you catastrophize, it’ll only make things worse – as long as you keep in mind that this isn’t the end of the world, then it won’t be. Buckle down and weather the storm, and your cool head will be rewarded.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Ten of Pentacles

Sometimes, you’ll get advice to let go of material things. This isn’t one of those times. Right now, you’ve got an attachment to a particular object, or maybe even a few. Whether that’s the complicated latte order you get every morning, or an extra-special stuffed animal you keep on your bed, don’t feel bad or embarrassed about those connections. If it makes you happy, then so be it.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Chariot

Aquarius, this is your sign to keep on truckin’. Maybe you’ve been taking things slowly these past few weeks, maybe not, but regardless, this week is your time to charge forward. Don’t let anything get in your way, especially not yourself. Doubts and worries will fall by the wayside as you push through every obstacle in your path.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Ace of Wands

This week is a time to open yourself to new ideas. You don’t have to make any big moves, or put any plans into motion just yet – take that pressure off yourself, and just give yourself the time to explore every idea and thought that pops into your head. Consider them, but don’t worry about action just yet. Now is the time for quiet consideration.
