The fundamental phrase of a winter dress code implies that there is a standard of style that we have to abide by, but that is simply not true. There are no rules to fashion, let alone a dress code. With the winter chill creeping in, here are some tips for not sacrificing warmth and style this winter. 

If skirts and dresses are an essential staple of your closet, to stay warmer, wearing fleece-lined tights can be a huge game-changer. This way, you can stay warm during the frigid weather while still sporting a sleek dress or short skirt. Maxi skirts and maxi dresses are another way to stay warm, especially with tights or thigh-high socks worn underneath to maximize warmth. Paired with a cream cardigan and a pretty bow, you’ll stay warm while still being stylish. 

Another way to ensure warmth without sacrificing your style this cold winter is to layer. Layering does not necessarily mean having to bulk up. One way to layer a dress or a skirt with the already added warmth from the fleece-lined tights is to pair your dress/skirt with a thick knit sweater, a scarf and, to complete the outfit, a leather jacket or trench coat. Additionally, leggings under jeans — especially flare or mom jeans — are a sneaky way to add an extra layer without adding bulk. For men who also want to layer with more options and less bulk, insulated compression shirts are key. These are skin-tight and thin, while still offering all the benefits of a thermal.

Accessories are often underutilized, especially during the winter. Your head is where you lose the most heat, and winter is the perfect time to experiment with hats: not only to keep your head warm, but also to elevate your outfit to the next level. Rather than opting for a baseball hat, which will do little to insulate your head, beanies are best for the wintertime as they are not only cute but warm too. Balaclavas are also a super cute way to keep your head insulated. There are many different varieties of balaclavas, and the ones with thinner fabric also allow for layering. 

Despite cold hands being a common problem during the wintertime, gloves are often overlooked. Especially with the prevalence of e-scooter riders on campus, cold hands can be combated with a warm set of gloves. 

Lastly, ear muffs have been forgotten in the past years, but recently have risen in popularity. Ear muffs have many different styles, some even adorned with Sanrio characters. These will protect your ears from the frigid cold while adding an extra element to make your outfit pop. 

Ultimately, fashion is about wearing what makes you feel good and what you like. While certain trends come and go, there shouldn’t be any pressure to follow them. The most important thing this winter is to stay warm and wear what makes you feel the best. 
