Aries (March 21 – April 19): King of Swords
Sometimes, it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. Take a step back and consider the big picture with an open mind. You know how best to proceed, and you know that it’s your responsibility to be thoughtful and mature — a true leader is responsible for everything around them, not just themself.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Page of Cups
You’re just bursting with ideas and energy, Taurus. Whether you pass these ideas on to those around you, or take them up yourself as new projects, you have the seeds of new possibilities for you and your community. Don’t let that inspiration go to waste!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Judgment
You’re at a bit of a crossroads, Gemini, and it’s time to take your first step onto a new path. You won’t be able to fully analyze and consider your decision — at some point, you’ll have to trust your intuition to guide you down the right path. Know that whatever decision you make, it’s the right one.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Tower
Things aren’t looking good, whether there’s been a massive, catastrophic upheaval, or simply a series of smaller upsets. Take care of your loved ones, and be prepared to let go of the things you don’t need. Sometimes it takes a forest fire for new growth to begin.
Leo (July 23 – August 22): Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles is a sign of charity and abundance. You’ve been doing well, and it’s time to give back! Whether it’s as simple as donating to a charity you care about, lending your time and effort to a friend in need, or planting a tree, you have something to contribute to the world around you.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Two of Wands
The Two of Wands emphasizes clarity of purpose and direction. You may have the beginnings of an action plan, but make sure you’re absolutely certain of how to proceed before taking that first step. You’ll find that you will thank yourself for it in the long run, and you might even discover something new about yourself along the way.
Libra (September 23 – October 22): Strength
You’re running up against obstacles both external and internal, but know that you have the will to overcome them. All you need right now is to maintain your belief in yourself and in your cause; the rest will come in time, as others see your determination and are inspired and moved to lend a hand.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Temperance
It’s tempting to throw yourself wholeheartedly into a single issue, project, or cause, but that would be a mistake. Now more than ever, it is critical that you maintain balance and keep a clear and cool head. Be a mediator and a team player, not the figurehead; only by incorporating all perspectives, all possibilities, will you achieve success.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Page of Swords
It’s easy to start a new project, trusting that you’ll move it forward with nothing more than inspiration and willpower alone. You’re right to explore the possibilities, and you’re right to feel enthusiasm for your new goals: but you’ll have to find a way to keep up that momentum, even if that enthusiasm begins to fade.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is the master of turning vague ideas into tangible success and wealth. You’re surrounded by opportunities for improving both yourself and the world around you: this card is a sign to trust your intuition. You know which direction to go in order to grow and flourish, and how to guide that growth to build something truly wonderful.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Three of Cups
You’ve been looking inward, recently, but it’s time to turn your attention back to those around you. Focus on even the simplest of connections, even the smallest acquaintances, as well as your closest friends. Nurture those bonds, uplift those around you, and they will uplift you in turn.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles indicates that something is missing: this might be a time of financial trouble, or some other perceived failure. You’re focused on what’s been lost, on what you could have; in fact, you’re so focused on it that you can’t see the way out, even when it’s in front of you. You have to be proactive in looking for solutions and asking for help, even if you don’t want to; only then can you build up a community and a support network to uplift both yourself and those around you.