Scarefest 2022, hosted by ASPB, transformed HUB lawn into a spooky event with the screening of the teen-slasher, “Scream” haunting the night. Though festive, the little amount of activities available made the event feel underwhelming at first. Regardless, the event did garner a relatively large crowd after doors opened at 6 P.M. 

Several students showcased their Halloween spirit with fun costumes such as a pair of French maids, wizards, Cookie Monster and Stitch onesies and several angel and devil duos. Seeing so many college students dressing up showed how excited they were to be surrounded by friends to celebrate a holiday that is often geared towards children. In reality, Halloween is meant for everyone, and Scarefest allowed us to celebrate our inner kids. 

Though the Halloween vibes seemed to surround students as the day turned into night, its attractions left little to the imagination. For those waiting in line for the pumpkin patch, the small activity needed more pumpkins than hay. Underwhelming at the least, the pumpkin patch was the second photobooth that invited a cameo from the “Scream” killer himself. Large groups of friends posed with the iconic character who jumped from one booth to another, bringing the film to real life. It was a fun touch for the event as an ASPB member dressed in the role for pictures’ sake, but it still wasn’t enough to cover up the lack of decor for said pumpkin patch. 

With lines forming at every stop, the busiest was the promo items and concession stands. From a selection of Scarefest posters, baseball t-shirts and enamel pins, students were sure to get their favorite item to remember the night. The addition of free drinks and the aroma of popcorn transformed HUB lawn into a sea of excited students who anxiously waited for the iconic opening of “Scream” to appear. With the film being the main activity of the event, it came of no surprise to see students relaxing on their blankets across the screen. 

Features_Scarefest_Sebastian Ceja Contributing Photographer
Features_Scarefest_Sebastian Ceja Contributing Photographer

Before the screening of the film began, a student stated their anticipation for the event. “I’m sure it’ll be fun and it’s cool seeing so many people.” Another student added, “It’s nice to know that people are interested in these school events.” With classes being in-person this year, it comes of no surprise to see so many students, first through fourth years, joining together to create memorable memories at events like this. 

Students began to huddle together during the chilly night as ASPB members welcomed everyone for the film’s screening. The second Drew Barrymore appeared on screen, silence overcame the sea of students who waited anxiously to see what would happen to the actress’ notorious character. Every sound of the film from telephone rings to heavy beats from the soundtrack vibrated against the grass and echoed into the dark night as the film’s ending neared. The cold didn’t stop students from clapping and shouting for characters who survived until the end. As the end credits rolled by, ASPB members thanked students for their participation in Scarefest 2022. 

Scarefest 2022 was a fun event for Halloween, and it definitely made students excited for future events from ASPB. With mild decorations that still captured the attention of many, Scarefest 2022 made us feel like kids again who just want to watch scary movies for fun. 
