Shopping trolley on button of computer keyboard

There are three things in life I am thankful for: my family, my health and online shopping. You know how some people get an adrenaline rush from driving really fast, or jumping out of a plane? I get that same feeling pressing “confirm” whenever I purchase something online. Same effect, different result. But just like everything in life, shopping should be taken with care. Here are some tips to always remember:

When to shop:

The best times to shop online are during monthly holidays and seasonal in-betweens. Stores will be looking to get rid of their old stuff, giving you the chance to stock up on cable knit sweaters or summer dresses months in advance at a lower price.


Signing up for newsletters can prove beneficial, as a lot of stores will send random discounts for the days in between holidays. We all know how annoying junk mail can be, so make sure not to overwhelm yourself with too many newsletters—otherwise, you could miss a grand spending opportunity. I suggest only signing up for the sites where you do frequent shopping both online and in person, as well as one or two of those expensive sites for those spontaneous “I deserve to treat myself” situations. Check out websites like Plndr, ASOS and my personal favorite, HauteLook, which sells high-end brands at discounted prices.

Beginner Tips:

New to the shopping game? Let an old pro share some words of wisdom. We’ve all heard horror stories about dealing with online transactions. These are all true, but can be avoided by shopping safely. When buying from generic websites such as eBay or Amazon, be wary of foreign purchases. You can definitely get some great things abroad, but don’t forget to do your research first. If you find yourself purchasing from individual buyers, it is an absolute must to read their ratings, reviews and other comments. If you ever feel that something is not right, DON’T buy it. I also strongly suggest signing up for PayPal. Instead of entering your personal card number each time, money is taken out of your PayPal account— and only from the amount of money you deposit. It’s free and will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Additional Tips:

To ensure secure payment and personal information, two things should appear in the window of your browser:

1) A padlock icon

2) “https://” (the “s” means “secure”)
