Timothy Hughes
The COVID-19 pandemic exposes lawmakers’ coldness toward hungry families
It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the nation’s economy and threatening to plunge tens of millions of Americans into debt...
Online commencement should be kept serious
Spring quarter has been nothing if not disappointing. Students must be numb from hearing about cancellation after cancellation, including in-person instruction for spring and...
Whole Foods’ union busting is one example of the rotten way the grocery chain...
Whole Foods, an organic grocery chain owned by Amazon and its CEO Jeff Bezos, has reportedly been creating heat maps of their stores, ranking...
The influencer “Mugshot” trend is tone-deaf and offensive
Anyone who has been scrolling through Twitter or TikTok to pass the time during the COVID-19 pandemic this past week has likely...
PG&E cannot be trusted and is too dangerous to be allowed to remain in...
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides power to 16 million Californians living throughout its 70,000 square mile service area, making it...
UCR is being far too callous to their students, particularly student workers
Coronavirus has rocked the world. Everyday we are updated constantly on statistics, addresses from...
UCR grad students organize march in solidarity with Santa Cruz wildcat protests
Approximately 350 protesters gathered in the lawn outside Orbach Science Library on March 5 to stand in solidarity with the UC Santa...
Iowa in a flurry: suspicious caucus results weaken Democrats in 2020 General Election
Courtesy of Gage Skidmore via Flickr
Two weeks ago, the nation waited with baited breath for the caucus...
Nike doesn’t care what your dreams are, they care if you buy shoes
Courtesy of Youtube
The Super Bowl has come and gone again, which means the average American sat around...
Klobuchar’s stance on fracking should be a warning sign for any voters concerned with...
During the most recent CNN democratic presidential primary debate, Amy Klobuchar was asked why she hasn’t come out in support of a federal ban...