Thursday, May 16, 2024
A new study entitled “Prenatal Ethanol Exposure and Neocortical Development: A Transgenerational Model of FASD,” published by UCR Professor of Psychology Kelly Huffman published in the Oxford academic journal Cerebral Cortex, finds that women who consume alcohol while pregnant may impact not only their child, but their grand- to great-grandchildren. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a term used...
On Friday evening, Feb. 2, the exhibition, “Uncovering Ancient Mexico: The Mystery of Tlatilco,” opened at the Riverside Art Museum. The exhibition was curated by Catharina E. Santasillia, a UCR Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology, in collaboration with the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. The exhibition is filled with ceramic figurines and other artifacts from the ancient community of...
As worldwide rates of obesity and diabetes diagnoses increase, researchers at the UC San Francisco (UCSF) say that sugar intake should now be regulated, much like alcohol and tobacco. The researchers suggest that sugar may be responsible for nearly 35 million deaths related to diabetes, heart disease and cancer—all of which are exacerbated by obesity. UCSF colleagues Robert Lustig, Laura...
Senators debate whether to give the Judicial Branch the power of impeachment and face allegations of misconduct and discrimination by an unappointed Judicial Branch candidate. Members of ASUCR unanimously approved a revised Elections Code bylaw on Oct. 22 in an attempt to mitigate a potential conflict of interest between the Judicial and Legislative Branches. The Judicial Branch is also seeking...
Senators ushered through legislation to condemn university investments in the top 200 fossil fuel production companies, but offered few details about how to divest from fossil fuel use at a campus level. Other notable resolutions included the senate’s decision to rejoin the United States Student Association (USSA) — a national student-run organization that fights to increase accessibility for higher...
A group of UCR researchers received a $5,112,000 five-year grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture toward their fight against Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease, a plant disease known to be fatal to citrus trees around the world. “Huanglongbing (...) is a bacterial disease of plants, mostly citrus, and it infects...
Ongoing renovations since Dec. 27 to the Surge building have continued into the new year, as campus architectural planners and officials seek to upgrade the building’s exterior and enhance insulation materials for safety and maintenance reasons. Construction teams, headed by project manager Fernando Nunez of UCR Architects and Engineers, seek to replace old, delaminated exterior tiles with new, weather-resistant...
The second talk in the science lecture series, “Are We Alone?” took place on Thursday, Jan. 12 at the University Theatre. The series, which aims to educate the public on recent astronomical discoveries and the methods being used to search for alien life, continued with a talk entitled, “Alternative Earths: How Earth’s Past Guides NASA’s Search for Life.” Attendees...
In light of recent crimes occurring on or near campus, Chancellor Conoley announced the formation of a task force designed to improve safety at UC Riverside. In an email sent out to UC Riverside students on Feb. 14, Conoley said that she wants the task force to examine current activities in order to make recommendations about further measures that will...
UC Riverside placed 24th among 30 best non-historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) for minority students in the United States, according to Dr. Matthew Lynch, the chair and associate professor of education at Langston University and author of the list. Published in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, the list factors in the percentage of enrolled minority students, freshman retention...