Friday, July 26, 2024
At the end of 2023, Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill requiring free access to condoms in all California public high schools, citing the state’s ongoing “economic risk and revenue uncertainty” as the main reason. However, these teenagers' inability to take proper care of their sexual health is the more expensive choice. The benefits for the students are obvious: they...
Food trucks are a growing commodity in metropolitan cities and they service a lot of people. While individuals appreciate food trucks for being affordable and accessible, there is a growing problem of health safety within the food truck industry. Food trucks need to be subject to stricter regulations because they have massive potential to poison large quantities of people...
The death of George Floyd and multiple other black people has reignited media coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement. Both traditional and social media have been covering the protests and  riots over this unjust loss of life nonstop. The pictures being broadcasted look like they are from the Civil Rights era and not from 2020.  However, the tensions are...
UCR’s Associated Students serve several purposes, the most important being their representation of students from each distinct college within the university. While in theory this should be an opportunity for students to gain knowledge about local politics and, ultimately, an appreciation for civic duty, ASUCR has often fallen short of this ideal. While no government or bureaucratic system is perfect,...
On Jan. 1, California Assembly Bill No. 1084 came into effect. This legislation, endorsed by Gov. Newsom in 2021, aligns with the Unruh Civil Rights Act, akin to the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause but specific to the state of California. The primary objective of AB 1084 is to mandate retailers with 500 or more employees to establish gender-neutral...