Friday, July 26, 2024
  I read with deep regret Carisha Moore’s open letter to the Highlander regarding my silence on issues related to sexual violence and sexual harassment. Making public comments during ongoing investigations may adversely affect the outcome of a case, which I wish to avoid at all costs. I recognize now those concerns made me too cautious in my public comments about...
Times are changing and they are changing fast. Emerging leaders invoke nostalgic memories of what the world used to look like and draw attention to each respective country’s “glory days”. Candidates and executives such as US President Donald Trump, Matteo Salvini of Italy’s populist Lega Nord party, and now, Andres Manuel  Lopez Obrador of Mexico, all reminisce about a...
Throughout the past decade, the ridesharing company Uber has established its prominence in the transportation industry worldwide. A fixture of the sharing economy that is developing  among millennials, Uber’s growth has largely displaced the taxicab industry, which long was the predominant mode of travel in urban centers. Although many local governments have passed regulations governing transportation network companies like...
At a closed meeting on May 16, CHASS Senator Mariam Alkhalili’s senate bill to reduce ASUCR Executive Cabinet (ECAB) stipends by about 60 percent was decidedly rejected by the ASUCR Senate Legislative Review Committee (LRC) in a 5-0-1 vote to table the bill. Alkhalili’s bill, which was shot down by the five-member committee headed by incoming External VP Martin...
It is often stated that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants; this fact holds true today as much as ever, as nearly 1.5 million immigrants entered the country in 2016, the most recent year for which statistics are available. A story that does not get told nearly as much, however, is that of the small proportion of those...
As the tail end of class registration nears and students await the arrival of second pass, too many students are being reminded that they won’t graduate on time. Sometimes, it’s due to a course conflict, with students forced to choose between two classes that take place at the same time. Others are stymied by the unit cap, a blockade...
Elections Director Taylor Brown announced the results of the 2018-2019 ASUCR elections last Monday, and while there was quite a bit of applause and cheers for the new executive cabinet members and senators, there was far less enthusiasm from the proponents of the three referenda on this year’s ballot. Because only 2818 students voted (about 14.39 percent of the...
People, especially younger generations, have not only grown fond of, but also dependent on using technology for everything from entertainment to socializing. However, technological dependence comes with its own set of detriments. Research has shown that excessive screen use such as television, video games and the internet predicts a variety of psychological and medical health issues. So, Corona del...
Hillary Clinton’s victory in the 2016 presidential election would have been a historic moment not just for all Americans, but for women worldwide. Nearly 200 years after the Seneca Falls Convention in New York, the first women’s rights convention in the country, the former Democratic senator from New York became the first female leading Democratic presidential candidate in U.S....